Lingering Puritans



I think about those for whom sex is a chore... something that must be done for various and oftenh conrtradictory reasons but always an unpleasant chore.  But there are so many examples of these people. There are women who have reluctantly permitted heterosexual penetration to appease some guy who can’t take a hint or read between the lines. There are men and women who are asexual but who force themselves to participate in sex because asexuality is considered to be abnormal or something worse. These people, primarily the males, can be dangerous as they often force themselves onto not only women in order trio deny their asexuality.

But what made me think about this subject? Having oral sex in a bathhouse with who talked a lot …go wider. go deeper et cetera. Well, one obeys or one doesn’t. Except that after a good five minutes or so he stopped. I realized that, while I wanted to make him cum, he didn’t want to cum. He wanted to stay hard for hours. He wanted to have fun, while I wanted to get him off. I was the one who wanted to spoil the fun.